White Wind Wavespell ~ The messenger of our god self



White Wind Wavespell

The initiation of 13 days of code of  Spirit

Connection to our God Self

The challenge and growth area of the whole Mayan Wavespell

Ik is the Mayan Name

Please hover your mouse to reveal the links to click on and expand the info with other websites

Todays Moon in Waxing Libra moving into Scorpio later today

on the heels of a full moon in Sagittarius coming on Friday

Hermes messenger of the Gods archetype

who is also connected to

The Pleiades

Thoth and

Hermes Trimagestus 

Sun in Gemini

Mercury in Retrograde in Cancer until July 17

A fast moving energetic

As I am writing this blog we have the moon in the astrological degree of Libra 28

A single white swan swimming through gray mist.
Different and the same. Distinguished by vertical composure, yet intended to stay down under. A special destiny-task, a mission, an assignment. Taught to blend in and become each world passed through, yet remaining incorrigibly other. Excellent at taking up required roles and ways of life and finding the best in them. You have a remarkable social gift for making the world a better place. Endowed with higher characteristics and heavenly nature, you are sublime, yet shrugging self off–“no big deal.” The wonders of anonymity. So many changes to move through, rippling waves of time. Standing far above, dispassionately: “I shall do what is rightful.” The singular voice of the highest ethic, pure and essentialized.

This is from a wonderful resource called

Inside Degrees

If you know your astrological chart you can look at your planets in a different way and check out the degrees

Synchronistically as I started to read this I remember my Mars is in Libra 

I still haven’t integrated all the learning about my chart by any stretch of the imagination 🙂

This is the degree of my Mars in Libra ~ love it when that happens.

White Wind is also one of my Mayan Castles

one of my 13 year cycles

My White Castle of refinement

The key colour codes of the Mayan Wavespell calendar 

take us through an energetic cycle

like a galactic washing machine spin cycle

twin tub 😉 

My Nana used to have one of these

She was a Libra

and my Grandad had a Libra Moon


where our conditioned behaviour from society is cleansed

and we are spun out 

so we can be reborn 

by remembering 

who we really are

and getting back in full contact with our Gemini twin 

our soul sista and brother

who is our Angelic A Team ready and waiting to guide us

when we get our ego out of the way 


by feeling our emotions…

instead of thinking up avoidances

pretty much like inventing chore avoidance machines because we don’t like the chores…


if we simply feel the feelings generated around not wanting to do the chores

and let them go

be honest with ourselves and others

and also get real about life

there are some very boring mundane things that our ego doesn’t want to do

and someone has to do them

or life gets very uncomfortable…

and often that someone is the one that isn’t valued


 in society

and the dark matter that holds the universe together

who is not accounted for in the accounts

who works seemingly tirelessly

to hold” it” all together

and yet is ignored or berated

the ones who are the mother role

the priceless ones

that have no “business rating”

no pastiche

do not provide aspiration

inspiration for the majority of young people

who puts on their wish list that they want to grow up to be a wonderful mother figure ?

Yet where would we be without the mothers ?

Without the people who work for minimum wage and less ?

How would it be possible for the ego icons to achieve their stratospheric positions

without minions ?

This skewed view of ignorance is at last

on the swing back into balance


The Mayan calendar itself has five bandwiths

It has the same castles as individuals:

Red for awakening ~ East

White for refinement of that awakening ~ North

Blue for transforming that first and second position ….West

Yellow is the result ~ the flower that opens as a result of that cross pollination 🙂 ~ South

The seed that has been co created 


is carried on the winds to all direction

perfectly places to germinate a new idea

a new life

a new myth

which is the current seed spin cycle 

Here is a lovely blog about this I found on my cookie trail today


I found the blog as a result of the leading picture and trying to find the artist ~ to no avail.

So whichever colour you are that is your essence ~

your cosmic code



Wherever you are in the world ~ maybe you are travelling like me 

You can be aware of the change of direction and what it is revealing for you 🙂

Today I am up in the North

the place of my roots 

I am visiting my parents who are both Gemini’s

My North Node is in Gemini

and also my Jupiter

So I was perfectly placed in my family

to learn the code of my Gemini planets

This is how knowing our astrological chart can empower us reveal 

our personal energetic code

and can start a process 

an ancient path

of the Hermetic





that so many have travelled before

this is one of the ways


Know Thyself

It gives the amazing access to following the cosmic cookie trail in a powerful way

by allowing a clear connection to our core

and strengthening our connection to our higher self

which is what the New Age in Aquarius is all about

Whatever has been happening for you

in the last thirteen days is the initiating energy of Red Moon

check out my Red Moon Wavespell blogs for this 🙂

which is going to be what we are working with in the new Mayan year starting on July 26

Red Solar Moon

All our cosmic chickens coming home to roost from 2006 🙂

The start of this 13 year Red Moon Cycle

that we will be in year 9 of

So to go back a little ~

The Mayan Wavespell has five Castles

It has in addition to the four mentioned above

a fifth element

The Green Castle

which reveals the culmination of the other four~

the energy we started with back on Halloween last year


We are in the second 13 day spiral of that Castle

The White Castle of refinement 

So we are working with what has awakened in us

What is seeking light

How we can bring ourselves into balance with our Swan energy

Swan totem


How can we share the spiritual truth that we know

when the majority of people are not aware ?

That is the challenge 🙂

I have spent a lovely Red Moon Wavespell in the main 🙂

I have been around many people who are open and seeking

Some people who are in institutional places

authority places

places that require reform

and bringing into balance

to let go of unsupportive 



manipulative frameworks

by their very nature of being in that vibe 

can be very intolerant

and resistant

to any speaking of truths around that

and much of that space of being is perfectly placed

to help us all create rightful relationship

which is what we are all working with in the evolution process right now 🙂

Of course all of this interaction for me is triggering past events in my life around authority

allowing me to work with my shadow

bring up emotions for my soul healing and integration

and to learn how I can communicate more clearly free from my ego

This is of course the code that is revealed in many works of art 

the process of soul evolution

and is clear in

The Birth of Venus

showing the wind being blown by the angel on the left ~ Zephyros


So to unlock the code of this wave

simply connect to the energy each day ~

check out the resources on my pages


Day 1 ~ initiate and set an intention

Look at the White Wind Wavespell

Day 2 ~ the challenge and growth area Blue Lunar Night ~

reveal the true dream by transforming all nightmare experiences of

the past 

Day 3 ~ the blend of days 1 and 2 ~ Yellow Electric Seed ~

take the ego mask off because the true seed is only revealed when

we are free of our mask 

and so on ~

all the codes are there

and these three are the magical essence of

the whole thirteen day process


Wishing you an amazing spiral of Sagittarius Fire

Being the way shower by healing our wounds 


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