Day 7 Magical seed day

How are you doing with your White mirror wavespell?

Today is a magical day of number 7  Yellow Resonant Seed and it links in to the Yellow Seed wavespell starting on October 19 which is a major energetic gateway to

Samhain/ Halloween

This is a very powerful time approaching where the veil between worlds is at it’s thinnest and we can connect to our ancestors

with this connection we can learn from the steps they have taken…..

and keep the wisdom that supports us on our next individual and planetary steps….

and let go of their wounding and their teaching that wasn’t from the light or from love.

This is a profound time as we are at the crossroads

the familiar story of Demeter searching for Persephone who had been snatched by Hades and taken to hell

All these stories and myths are the metaphor for our personal soul journey.

The person we are today (Demeter) is looking for her maiden self ( Persephone)

The person we were as a youthful energy full of lust for life

that has grown old and tired and feels often in a permanent winter state

because we have lost the essence of who we are in the life experiences

and the conditioning

and our  heart seeds have grown a husk that is hard

and hides our tender juicy fruit underneath

we may have grown bitter as we have felt lost in the wilderness

our business may have failed

our relationships become battles

and all around has become a desert as our blooms have withered on the vine

We have the secret

and we always have it


when we are ready to go within and be prepared to do what it takes

let go of living the ego story

stand still and feel it all

so we can let it go.

Living the heart path

If we refuse to stand still to avoid the inevitable chickens that are coming home to roost

we go in ever decreasing circles

as death is ever at our ankles with the scythe….

that we fear the most….

and this is what sets us free 🙂

Don’t fear the reaper

Everything we need to set us free we already have

so if your back is against the wall

your face pressed against the glass

your depression heavy

you are in a really good place

to burst out of your cocoon

and live magically

in the real world of our heart space

the world of beauty

Here in Glastonbury it is an absolutely radiant day and I am so grateful to be alive

This afternoon I am off to do some tapping in the abbey

and weave some magic in that sacred place

I was afraid to face my own shadow and I know how you feel if you are afraid too of taking that next step

It feels intense and powerful as you start to strip away the layers

It is the only way to reveal the real you.

When I went into labour with my first child I remember the midwife saying that I couldn’t give birth without there being pain

and I was terrified because my body was simply doing it’s thing

and I had no control over it 🙂

It was unlike any experience I had ever had

and there was no way I could prepare myself for something that has to be experienced to be know

This is true of all initiatory gateways

we have to shed our layers to go on to the next phase

it’s the circle of life

There is nothing to fear in the death and the transformation

although it feels like a dark night of the soul

the way to the goddess is through the valley of death

It is so worth it

I have trod this path so many times and each time it gets easier as you lose more fear and trust the process.

All that comes is raw feeling as your ego is transformed

the floodgates open and everything we dam up inside comes out

then we are truly free of another cage that holds our beautiful phoenix

I use emotional freedom technique to facilitate that process.

It really works


in letting go

and when it has gone

it has truly gone for good.


Alison Sutton and I are getting together with some amazingly gifted heart opening walkers of the path

who are going to share their path and the gifts that have come from it

with you

and you, your gifts with us

It is the week before Samhain

We are aligning with these amazing galactic activation portal  days

It will be a festival of light and dark

we are not going to be focused on storytelling

We are focusing on celebrating the death of the old skins by seeing the true enlightenment process for what it truly is

Joyful soul transformation

Our own personal photo synthesis to open our solar plexus and our heaven’s gate

These workshops are practical and experiential

cooking up a storm of fun

past life regression, using magical process,

therapist expansion techniques for creating abundant connections

enlarging our energetic web to reach further out into the globe

designed to assist in our birthing process

at a very important time on our planet

this is to create empowered ways of working with our unique gifts and soul purpose

to unleash our magical creativity

We will be out on the magical landscape too

Itinerary is forming this week so please get in touch to reserve your space

and we look forward to co creating with you.

It is the time of preparing our wintering process so our seeds are being honed

being magically empowered

with the connection to our higher selves

and to raise our consciosness

our vibration

our light

in an energetic process rather than simply an intellectal one

to create change

If you cannot come in person then we can work through the magic of the web and skype,

online streaming in some way

If you know your Mayan sign and you are one of these:

Yellow Magnetic Seed
Red Lunar Serpent
White Electric World-Bridger
Blue Self-Existing Hand
Yellow Overtone Star
Red Rhythmic Moon
White Resonant Dog
Blue Galactic Monkey
Yellow Solar Human
Red Planetary Skywalker
White Spectral Wizard
Blue Crystal Eagle
Yellow Cosmic Warrior

This is your personal wavespell and wowee you can really create some powerful shifts if you get on this energetic spiral wave

If you don’t know what yours is please get in touch

It’s free 🙂

If it isn’t you will still create change in whatever way you are looking for …….

provided you are prepared to walk your talk

and do what it takes to match the universal energetic code that is always there for you

in the vortex


the universe can only bring you what you believe to be true


if you believe that someone else “makes” you happy

instead of simply being happy because that is your responsibility

then so be it

and so it is

If you believe you have to help other people by giving the fish

then you will have co-dependent relationships and a world full of victims and needy people looking for handouts rather than looking for their own answers and learning

If you believe that to create harmonious relationships you have to hide your true feelings so you don’t “hurt” the other person

and live a lie

guess who is going to be hurt and get sick?

If you hide your anger and be passive

guess who is going to be surrounded by angry people?

If you believe it is your role to fix people

guess who is goimg to have lots of walking wounded showing up on their doorstep…….

What if…..

We didn’t need anything to prove who we are?

We can arrive at any venue in a sackcloth

without a title

a job to define us

we don’t need a uniform so people know which box we belong in

we don’t care what car we drive as long as we travel lightly

we don’t care what anyone else thinks

because we are ok with us…..

and this is when the magic really happens….

So today maybe have a go at being Jack and ready to plant the seed intention of our beanstalk…..

he had the courage to face his mother’s wrath by cashing in the cow

and bet everything he had on some magical beans

that created a stairway to heaven and took him on some magical adventures in a foreign land

he faced his fear

and created magical transformation

It is the only way to pure bliss 🙂

Libra is the blessing of balance.

Feel the pull the universe is showing us

calling us in

Do we hear the call ?

The full moon today is a time to let go of the old ways, the old hurts

so we can have new beginnings

making space for those new exotic seedlings to thrive.

Love to you today starseeds

may your intentions create fabulous new models for living from love.

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